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Ormus Minerals for Natural Nutritional Energy

Ormus Minerals:
Natural Nutrition for Better Health

  • Designed for your body & mind
  • Energy and Health
  • Gaining Natural Energy from Nature's Best Resources
  • Helps you experience naturally a better life with better health

An energy that feeds your body and mind.

Ormus Minerals - Mental Benefits

  •  Clearer Thinking
  •  Developed Intuition
  •  Emotional Healing
  •  Greater Clarity and Focus
  •  Heightened Senses
  •  Sense of Being Fully Present
  •  Sense of Calm
  •  Thought Manifestation

Ormus Minerals - Physical Benefits

  • Aids Intestinal Tract  Absorption of Food Particles
  • Body Cells' Generation of Hydroelectric Energy
  • Body Cells' Hydration and Nourishment
  • Body Cells' Regeneration and Communication
  • Body Cells' Rejuvenation
  • Improves Vision
  • Increases Electrolytes
  • Increases Energy
  • Prevents Muscle Cramps
  • Promotes Bone Strength
  • Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar
  • Promotes Healthy Cellular PH Balance
  • Promotes Healthy DNA & RNA
  • Promotes Healthy Immune System Function

Lots of choices but a great place to start would be the Ormus C11 Gold Infusion ormus.

If you are wanting top of the line potent ormus then look at the Ormus Manna-Festation as a combination of the best of the best.

One of the reason for all the choices is because everybody is different and some things resonate with some but not others. We have added different things to the ormus formulas to add more either energy or nutrition to enhance it.

And of course the White Gold Powder Ormus is available for those who prefer that.

Ormus Minerals ORMUS Formulas

  Welcome to the world of Ormus. We invite you to scan the information we have provided for you to learn how Ormus minerals can help you reach your potential in life and health. 

  Ormus, can more easily be understood as essential minerals abundantly found in seawater and previously unknown to modern s cience. David Hudson, a researcher,
rediscovered these essential elements by accident.

  After over 8 million dollars of extensive testing and observation, these minerals showed fantastic and intriging behaviors detectable in not only plants, but also the human body and the mind. 

  Monatomic elements in a high spin state (m-state) is another name for these minerals. Thought to be super conductive and super fluid, they may benefit every living cell by improving energy flow. A good visual example, described by Barry Carter, is to imagine new batteries put into your cell phone and fixing the antenna for an increase in communication ability.
  ORMES (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements) or ORMUS

  We would like to invite you on the journey of learning and experiencing Ormus minerals and its many benefits for yourself.

  This journey can take two paths with first using and experiencing natural ORMUS minerals for your self.

 The second way is actually learning on how to make your own Ormus and sharing the Ormus and knowledge you have learned with others.

 Either way you are about to start an exciting path of learning and discovery on a journey to better health and more energy.

 The journey to the energy and minerals of the ocean in a way you have never experienced before.

Ormus Journey


 We have a lot of information on how to use it in your everyday life for your health, gardening and how to share it with your pets.

Plus a lot of research on how ORMUS has affected plant growth and awesome harvests. We show you multiple natural sources where you can get ORMUS can be extracted.

  We answer a lot of questions that are related to ORMUS like the Who, What, When, Where and How so you can follow us on this exciting path of health and discovery today.
 Ormus Rich Global Salts  We are continually researching multiple areas of ORMUS with Ocean Water and mineral sources.

Ormus from multiple kinds of rich ORMUS Mineral salts from around the world.

Ormus rich salts include Dead Sea Salt, Red Sea Salt from Israel and Celtic Grey Sea Salt from France to name a couple of rich sources for Ormus.
  We are very aggressively brewing some potent EM Probiotics for its Ormus affects and health benefits. We share our recipes as we learn and expand this awesome field of understanding of Microbes and ORMUS.

We are working on some powerful minerals healing agents when we work with Ormus Minerals and all the macro and trace minerals in our products.

 We are using the MEOW (Magnetite Effect Ormus Water) kettles to enhance our ORMUS Minerals and water and are loving the results.

 Doing some excellent research into the field of ORMUS oils that have some great value added with Essential Oils and using the MEOW kettles to even further enhance the ORMUS effects as we use them daily.

 .We introduce you to some of the major people that are working and have worked on this field of ORMUS and all that it involved in getting this awesome discovery out to the world.

So if you are interested in the world of ORMUS and please feel free to search out our site for a wealth of information on Ormus.

 We can now take Major Credit cards online with PayPal Or you can use Visa, MasterCard, Discovery, American Express for regular Credit Card orders.
Any questions call 208-546-5667 or email info@ormusminerals.com

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Regardless of how our products may be used in other countries, or anything that you may have heard or read about Ormus Minerals or Ormus products, under FDA law in the United States it is illegal for a manufacturer to make any medical claims for health supplements. None of the products offered for sale on our website or direct to retail consumers are intended to be used in the treatment or mitigation of any disease state. All statements made by Ormus Minerals or on the Ormus website are intended for informational purposes only. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA, and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Health decisions are much too important to be made without the advice of a health care practitioner. As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your health care practitioner of the use of this product. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your health care practitioner prior to using any health supplement product.